Monday, October 13, 2008

Day 8

On Friday some of us went to Tivoli, because it was cheap and historic and we do things like that.

One bus and two trains later we were there! Well, that was what it took to get to Tivoli, the town. To get to Hadrian's Villa, we needed another bus, then a bit of a trek. We and some older French couples kinda followed each other around for that bit, trying to make sure someone knew which bus, and which stop, etc.

It was a cloudy, kinda dreary day. But the ruins were incredible. And after it rained they got all glossy and the sun came out and it was even better. Of course, the rainstorm prevented a ill-timed watercolor (would have been a tad too watery), but thankfully a lot of the buildings still had roofs. And i got an ink sketch in, which is always nice. I attempted, during the sunny lull, to watercolor of what is apparently called the Canopus, which is basically a large oval pool with lots of columns and statues. This ended up being mostly abandoned by both time restraints and the continuous throng of tours, all of whom, it seemed, required individual pictures with the ass of the statue I was painting. I was not amused. I scowled at the Drunken Classmates (who had just arrived) the most, though, telling them they annoyed me even when they weren't trying to. Such is life.

We made it back to the train before it poured the second time, unlike the other group (who were too lazy to wake up early and sleep on the train over, nyah nyah) so we had enough time to get back home and have a nice sit-down dinner. (of course the other group ended up finding quicker transit home, but bah) Day 9 would be reserved for a marathon of reading, both catch-up and assigned, in order that Day 10 be a wholely devoted Sketch Day.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great "day" trip. Looking forward to the photos. Also, a map showing where you were would be helpful.

kateoverseas said...,+22,+00165+Rome,+Italy&daddr=Villa+Adriana,+Tivoli+RM,+Italy&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=41.89223,12.468851&sspn=0.01059,0.017059&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=11

Will give you what you need to know. <3 Man, i need to upload those photos. I got all the rest up, but in order to go chronologically...!