Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 10

Man I've been wanting to post Day 10 for a while now. Did I mention I like maps?

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I might have mentioned that I like walking.

The day plan was, as I think I mentioned before, to sketch. Sketch, sketch, sketch, sketch, sketch.

In the end, I spent a few hours working on one painting and then the rest wandering around Rome. Also not a bad plan. Also on the not-itinerary were finding an Awesome Baroque Church, giving directions to Italians, and mostly trying madly (and vainly) to avoid not only the Wedding Cake, but the tourist throngs. This proves problematic in Rome on a sunny sunday, but I was valiant, even once braving the Disneyland Crowd around the Trevi Fountain (though the first time I attempted I balked at the visible crowd a block away and headed directly opposite) The loop I made was unintentional, though amusing when I realized it. I also stepped inside the Gesu (though Mass appeared to be starting so I quickly disappeared) and ran into my Civ Professor, who, characteristically, gave me a slight wave and continued on. I ate lunch, well, 'lunch', it was more second lunch and the sun was going down anyway, in a park looking out over a piazza, and meandered home.

All in all, an excellent day.

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