Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 14

At this point I'm writing about things that took place two weeks previous. Disgraceful!

Thursday we began our journey to lands far away...well, just Naples, but it sure takes a while by bus. We stopped in the middle of nowhere first, ostensibly just for lunch. Much to our surprise, the restaurant was attached to a museum attached to an ancient ruins site. I suppose these things happen, but generally I prefer to be warned about it first. For one, I did not bring my camera with me to lunch, so the glories of Paestum will have to remain shrouded for you all. I mean, you could go to the wikipedia page, but I know you're only here for the pictures. You'll have to move along.

After Paestum we all got back on the bus and shuttled ourselves to the Villa Vergilia, a rather nice little place that is aparently the Italian residence of the Vergil society or something equally astounding. A university provided-dinner and several bottles of wine later, we all dragged ourselves up to the lounge-ish area to listen to me expound upon my text presentation. I couldn't tell if the wine helped or hindered my grade via the professor, but i was glad to have it over with regardless.

We then played a couple games of Mafia (oho, we're in Naples! and we're playing Mafia! oh, we're so funny!) and in general lounged about.

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