Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 1

First full day: woke up late due to a misunderstanding of a time (9) not labeled with either AM or PM, thus missing the pointless meeting. Arrived on time to the useful one. Went home, showered, traversed half of Rome:

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Map legend: zigzags refer to numerous side streets and the complete absence of a direct route. arduous zigzags (like the ones around the Spanish Steps) refer to backtracking and general wandering while in search of food. the mess in the middle is where we realized the church we wanted to see was closed for another hour, went to the pantheon, sat about, and then went back.

In total our low approximation is about 5 miles of walking.

Returned home, put feet up for an hour, went out to dinner with Italian teacher and others. Stayed out till midnight. Went to bed at 2am.

Completely failed to wake up the next morning.


Anonymous said...

You will need another pair of shoes !

kateoverseas said...

I'll probably need to keep the blue ones from giving me blisters, yes...these black ones are soooo comfortable, though.