Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A momentary diversion.

It has been brought to my attention that not everybody knows all the goodies that come with me having my photos in a Flickr gallery (especially a Flickr Pro gallery, thaaaaaank you Liz <3 <3 )

So, here is a further explanation. Clicking on a picture in my post will take you to that picture's Flickr page. Directly below the title is a button marked "all sizes". This does exactly what it says it does, and if you want to examine the steadiness of my hand you can download the original file of the picture here. (this is a Pro only feature, so thank Liz again.)

Now lets say you're more of the casual browser, and don't care to see the minute details of every single picture I deem important and Flickr-worthy. Back on that individual photo page there are a few Slideshows on the right. The top one is for my Photostream, which is just every photo I add to Flickr. The second is for my Fall Abroad set. This is more useful, despite that right now they're basically the same thing, because I can adjust the order of how the photos appear in the set, whereas I cannot in the photostream. Click on the arrow to see more thumbnails of pictures, or click the little projection screen icon for a classy little slideshow. Only problem, it cycles through the pictures (you can skip through them yourself, it's just annoying that it skips ahead on you.)

And last but not least, I've tagged every photo I've uploaded on the map. (Have I mentioned I love maps?) Its a yahoo map, so its not as sophisticated as google maps are, but it works well enough. You can access the map from any photo page (its in the small text on the right hand side) or the photostream page, but oddly enough it is elusive on the Sets page.

So there you go.

hard link to the Fall Abroad Set.

hard link to the slideshow.

hard link to the map.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the instructions...great pictures !